Spiritual Formation
We help people take the next steps in their journey to know God, understand what it means to be a follower of Christ and live out their faith in service to others.

Children's Ministry
Fun, dynamic Bible classes provide an essential foundation for spiritual development, instill moral values, create a sense of community, enhance Biblical literacy, help our students know God as their Father and leads them towards an understanding of salvation.
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Youth Ministry
Participating in our youth group is crucial for the teenagers we serve as it provides them with a safe space to receive the spiritual and emotional support they desperately need.
By connecting with others facing similar struggles as they learn the Biblical truths of compassion, forgiveness, and empathy, they can grow beyond their challenging circumstances.

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Many teenagers participate in our missions program, taking what they learn in our classes and teaching it to other children within their communities.
Several lead children's ministries in house churches, and 24 go out every month and teach Bible classes to over 80 children in their neighborhoods.
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Service to others is a key focus for our students as they learn that no matter how little they have, everyone has something to give.
Every day our students serve one another at mealtimes and assist with keeping the center clean. Everyone at Cadaniño, from the president to the cook, does their best to model Christ's commandment to serve one another in love.
When crisis strikes in Guatemala, our students help pack and deliver emergency food bags and supplies to those who need it.

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Ministry to Parents

Ministry to parents is an essential aspect of our work, as they play a critical role in the spiritual development of their children. Through outreaches, family days, women's groups, and personal counseling, we provide opportunities for parents to connect, learn and grow together, encouraging healthy relationships with their children.
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Our mission is to equip individuals to follow Jesus Christ for life through discipleship. We teach students to cultivate a personal relationship with God, grow in the knowledge of His Word, and obey His will.
As they move on from Cadaniño, we hope they will continue to share their faith, live out their journey with others, support each other in their spiritual journey, and become effective witnesses for Christ in their communities.

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